5 Tips To Increase Arm Size
What bodybuilder does not want bigger, more defined arms? Most will do whatever bodybuilding workout program it takes for gains of two inches, or more on their arms.
The real good news is getting bigger arms can be very simple as long as you understand the proper bodybuilding workout routine principles described below.
Yes, you can develop bigger, more defined arms with minimal time exercise time invested.
Here are a few powerful bodybuilding workout tips you should be incorporating immediately into your weight lifting workouts in order to acquire muscular arms.
Please note: these are a few of the many secret weight training workout tips that are proven to deliver results.
1. Incorporate multi-jointed exercises into your bodybuilding routine.
When training your chest, shoulders, and back make sure you utilize multi-joint exercises. What this does is work,as the secondary movers, the arms. The arms mean simply the biceps, and triceps.
A good example of multi-jointed exercises are the bench press, shoulder press, row, pull down, and good old fashion pushup. More than one muscle group is being worked when you perform multi-joint exercises.
2. Increase your intensity.
In order to stimulate arm muscle growth resulting from your bodybuilding workout program you must increase your intensity of exercise.
You must enter the gym with a mindset of forcing the muscles to adapt, and grow. To do so you need to increase the weight lifting weight, reps, or simply decrease the rest between bodybuilding sets. Always make your bodybuilding workout progressive in nature. Keep attempting to beat the reps, and weight you logged in the previous arm workout.
3. Do not overtrain. Limit your sets
It is important to avoid overtraining your arms. Many bodybuilders do too much arm work in their particular bodybuilding workout. This, in turn, leads to over training.
By doing too many sets of arms you are cutting into your recovery abilities, and will surely decrease your chance of results. Optimal rest is mandatory for maximum muscle stimulation. Please understand this.
4. Hit the triceps hard.
The triceps comprise a majority of your arms muscle size. Make sure you incorporate close grip bench presses, dips, and triceps push downs to ultimately increase your triceps muscle size, and tone.
Strive to increase your intensity every time your step into the gym. After all, it is the quality of exercise, not the quantity. Make the most of your limited weight training sets performed by the arms.
5. Precise rest between workouts is mandatory for growth.
This number one mistake most bodybuilders make. They simply follow the more is better approach. Little do they know, more is a detriment to your bodybuilding workout results.
Each additional arm set performed cuts into the recovery ability of the muscle. Remember, the biceps, and triceps grow while at rest, not during the workout.
I always recommend 6-10+ days between arm workouts. As far as the number of sets, 2 sets of 2-3 exercises for the arms is optimal for growth. In other words, if you spend more than 10 minutes on your arms, you are overtraining. Beginning a weight training workout prior to full recovery will short circuit your muscle building results.
Here is a very good bodybuilding workout routine tip you can use to determine the exact number of rest days between training sessions. Track your weight, and reps. If your strength continues to increase, you are resting between training sessions in an optimal manner. If the weight plateaus, or decreases, add additional muscle building rest days between workouts.
Developing bigger, more defined arms should not be difficult as long as you follow the bodybuilding workout guidelines mentioned above. The arms building tips mentioned will help you begin your quest towards adding inches of rock hard muscle.